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PostCode Plus
Friends, family, delivery drivers and ambulances will never get lost again trying to find your house, your business or indeed anywhere on this planet. Whether you live in a remote country location or a new build flat in town this app is for you.
Think of 3 letters to add to your postcode (the app will automatically find your postcode), stand outside your house, take a photo and now you have a postcodeplus which you can give out over the phone or share by text, messenger, WhatsApp etc. There is also an SOS feature for rapid position sharing in an emergency situation with poor signal strength.
About PostCode Plus
Postcode plus is very simple. It is an app that combines the gps function and the camera on your phone to provide a modern day solution to the inadequacies of a post code. A post code can cover as many as 80 properties, so while it will get you quite close to your destination, there will usually be more information necessary to finish the journey. With postcode plus all you need is 3 more letters and you have nailed it.
Just think up 3 letters (these could be your initials or nickname) to add to the end of your postcode, take a photo and then the postcode plus app will do the rest. Have a look at the instructional video or just go straight to the AppStore/Googleplay to get started. It’s very easy and it’s free.
Why do I need PostCode Plus
As with all modern tools and gadgets you don’t need postcode plus – but boy it will save you and your friends a whole load of time. Even if your house is easy to find it will save you time. How often do you have to give out postcode/first line of address/phone no/email etc. You can put all of this info (if you want) into your postcodeplus, so that all you have to give out each time is your postcode and 3 letters (postcodeplus). You may feel for some people (delivery drivers for example) that you only want to release basic info – in this case just create another postcodeplus with different letters. It maybe you want a delivery driver to leave your parcel in a shed. You can create a postcode plus which includes a photo of the shed, so you don’t have to spend time explaining or leaving notes etc Postcodeplus is not limited to your home address, you can use it for any position in the UK that you want to meet someone, your tent at a festival, or on top of a mountain. Have a go – it’s completely free.
Download the app today!